work with professionals

work with professionals

Becoming a member

Membership offers you opportunities to network with your peers and other professionals in your industry. work with others who have been through it and are open to sharing their experiences with you.

Heading out for a popup - together!

Heading out for a popup - together!

Benefits of Membership

  • Rwanda Fashion WEEk Participation

  • Popups in East africa & europe

  • Project participation

  • Access to government & Private sector

  • discounts on services with select vendors

Becoming a Member

Membership is open to those in the fashion industry ,locally or abroad, who have a registered business in Rwanda. To apply, please fill out this form and we will contact you with further information.

Becoming an associate member

Those who work in the arts field, such as photography, videography, visual or performance artists are also welcome to join our organization as an associate member. .